Many people have to face the problem of pain in bones and joints while walking or sitting. This indicates that your bones have become weak. Calcium is considered very important for the strength of bones. Due to lack of calcium in the body, the problem of pain in bones and joints has to be faced. It is important that you include such things in your diet so that your problem goes away. Although many types of supplements are easily available in the market nowadays, but it is better than supplements that you eat such things which can naturally strengthen your bones. These two things are very beneficial for bone health Ragi- Ragi is also rich in calcium, which is considered very good for your bones. You can make cheela, pancake, roti etc. with ragi. Sesame- Sesame seeds are rich in phosphorus and calcium, which proves to be very beneficial for bone health. Why is bone health important? When you are young, new bones are formed very quickly when old bones break. Along with this,...
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