HIV is a disease that until now was considered incurable. However, scientists who have been looking for its treatment for years are now looking successful in their efforts. US scientists have treated the third patient of HIV and the first woman with a new technique. Researchers informed Denver about this in a press conference. According to the news of the New York Times, scientists have done this wonder through stem cell transplant technology.
What is this new technology-
A woman suffering from HIV was treated with a new technology. In this, the blood of the umbilical cord was used. In this the blood of the umbilical cord was used. In this technique, there is no need to mix umbilical cord stem cells with the donor as much as in a bone marrow transplant.
Anyway, bone marrow transplant is not a very good option for HIV patients. This transplant is very dangerous, so only those people who are suffering from cancer are treated with it and there is no other way left.
Till now there were only two such cases of HIV in the whole world in which successfully treated. Timothy Ray Brown, known as The Burnill Patient, remained free of the virus for 12 years and died of cancer in 2020. In the year 2019, Adam Castilejo, who was suffering from HIV, was also successful in treating. However, both had a bone marrow transplant done through a donor. Such a mutation was found in these donors that could prevent HIV infection. Such a rare mutation has been found in only 20,000 donors, most of them from northern Europe.
The woman had these diseases -
The woman was diagnosed with HIV in 2013. Four years later, she was also diagnosed with leukemia. This blood cancer was treated through haplo-cord transplant, in which cord blood was taken from a partially matched donor. During the transplant, a close relative also donated blood to the woman to increase her immunity. The woman's last transplant was done in 2017. She has completely recovered from leukemia in the last 4 years. Three years after the transplant, doctors stopped her HIV treatment and she has not come under any virus again.
According to Dr. Steven Dix, an AIDS specialist at the University of California, the woman's parents were both white and black. Both these factors are scientifically important, being mixed race and female. He said, Umbilical cords are amazing. There is some magical thing in these cells and cord blood that benefits the patients.
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