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Total Blindness: These some things can cause loss of eyesight!

If you’re partially blind, you have limited vision. For example, you may have blurry vision or the inability to distinguish the shapes of objects. Complete blindness means you can’t see at all., the eyes of children are also getting weak. Recently an expert has told that eating which four things can cause eyesight. symptoms of blindness? cloudy vision an inability to see shapes seeing only shadows poor night vision tunnel vision The symptoms of visual impairment in young children can include: constant eye rubbing an extreme sensitivity to light poor focusing chronic eye redness chronic tearing from their eyes a white instead of black pupil poor visual tracking, or trouble following an object with their eyes abnormal eye alignment or movement after 6 months of age.
Eating these things can lead to-Due to diet, eyesight can become weak before age. Eating excessively sweet things and processed carbohydrates can lead to loss of eyesight. These worst processed carbohydrate foods include white bread and pasta. Along with this, ketchup and cold drinks can also cause loss of eyesight. Common causes of blindness diabetes, macular degeneration, traumatic injuries, i nfections of the cornea or retina, glaucoma, and inability to obtain any glasses. complete blindness? Blindness is a lack of vision. It may also refer to a loss of vision that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Partial blindness means you have very limited vision. Complete blindness means you cannot see anything and do not see light. Causes of blindness in infants The following conditions can impair vision or cause blindness in infants: infections, such as pink eye blocked tear ducts cataracts strabismus (crossed eyes) amblyopia (lazy eye) ptosis (droopy eyelid) congenital glaucoma


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