A shocking incident has surfaced from Karnataka's Madikeri where a 16-year-old girl was brutally killed by a man. The 32-year-old man allegedly chopped off her head and took it along with him after their proposed marriage was put off as she was a minor. According to the police, the man has been identified as Prakash, who is yet to be arrested. The incident occurred at Surlabbi village, they added.
Victim's engagement was fixed with accused
The victim, identified as Meena, had recently completed her SSLC examinations. The engagement between Meena and Prakash was fixed, but intervention from the Child Welfare Department occurred when concerns were raised about the legality of the union. Officials from the Child Helpline and the department counselled both families, cautioning them about the legal implications under the POCSO Act and Child Marriage Act should they proceed with the marriage.
How the incident unfolded?
Both families then agreed that only after Meena attained the age of 18 she would be married to Prakash. The officials and the groom's family then left the place. However, at around 5.30 pm on Thursday, Prakash barged into Meena's house, kicked her father and assaulted her mother with a sharp-edged weapon, generally used for cutting trees. He then dragged the girl outside for about 100 metres, chopped off her head and fled the scene with it, Superintendent of Police (Kodagu), Ramarajan K, told the media.
Case registered against accused
The victim's father and mother were admitted to a hospital where the woman was treated for her injuries. Her father did not receive any visible cut injuries, he said. "All efforts are being taken to nab the accused," he added. A case has been registered against the accused under Section 307 (attempt to murder) and 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code and relevant sections of the Protection of Children against Sexual Offences Act, police said. The victim has three sisters and two brothers and she was the youngest, police added.
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