Kannada actor Chetan Chanddrra took to his Instagram profile on Sunday to share a heart-wrenching incident. The actor has shared a video of himself on social media, in which he is seen soaked in blood. In this video, blood is visible from his face to his clothes. Chetan can be seen speaking in Kannada and revealing the whole accident in the video. Moreover, he has appealed for justice through this video as well.
Fatal attack on actor
Let us tell you that Kannada actor Chetan Chanddrra is known for popular films like 'Rajdhani' and 'Jarasandha'. While sharing his video, the actor said that he had taken his mother to the temple last night. But when he was returning after darshan, around 20 people allegedly attacked him fatally. According to the actor, they were trying to rob him. First, a drunk person had hit his car. After this many people started chasing his car. After this, a large group gathered and attacked them near Kagalipura. In the video, you can see that the actor is looking injured and even his nose seems broken. In the video, the actor emphasised his demand for justice and said that he has lodged a complaint in the nearest police station regarding the incident.
Who is Chetan Chandra?
Let us tell you that Chetan Chandra is the son of KB Ramchandra and BN Anusuya. KB Ramachandra is a mining engineer in Malaysia. Chandra is a graduate in Informatics Engineering. The actor started his career in 2008 with the film 'PUC', although he got successful with the 2010 film 'Premism'. At present, this accident that happened with the actor has shocked his fans.
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