It has now become one of the highest-grossing Tamil movies of 2024. In two weeks, the movie has garnered a collection of Rs 71.64 crore worldwide. On Day 15, the estimated collection of the film stands at Rs 1 crore. The overseas collection of the film has not been noted yet. It is expected that the movie will soon surpass Sivakarthikeyan’s Ayalaan, which is reigning at the top of the box office. The fourth instalment of Aranmanai was directed by Sundar C and stars himself, Tamannaah Bhatia and Raashii Khanna in the lead roles. The film was released on May 3.Aranmanai 4 had a decent opening of Rs 4.65 crore, before gaining pace in the following weekend. In its first weekend, the film garnered Rs 14.5 crore. With an average of Rs 3 crore for the next few days, the movie collected Rs 32 crore in its first week. In its second week, it earned Rs 8.55 crore. In its second week, the film collected Rs 49.25 crore. With an estimated collection of the Day 15, the film has crossed Rs 50 crore. After two weeks, the gross collection of India stands at Rs 56.65 crore as per Sacnilk. The overseas collection of the film stands at Rs 15 crore after 14 days. The film enjoys the highest theatre occupancy in Chennai with a large number of night.After the series of flops through Bhola Shankar and Bandra, Tamannaah Bhatia made a comeback in the entertainment industry with Aranmanai. The actress has been reportedly paid between Rs 4-5 crore for this film. She is one of the leading actresses in the South Film Industry. Her remuneration reportedly lies between Rs 2-5 crore.
The common drink that has been going on for years to reduce weight is drinking 'hot water mixed with lemon-honey'. Does drinking lemonade and honey really help you lose weight? What are its benefits? Does this method really work? . Lemon juice contains various antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that boost brain and heart health.Lemon juice is an excellent source of Vitamin C. Studies have shown that Vitamin C is a vital nutrient in preventing many modern diseases. Vitamin C is essential in bone formation, connective tissue repair, and gum health. To make the drink as healthy as possible, use filtered water and organic lemons. Infuse more flavor or add a health boost to lemon water by adding: a few springs of mint. People adopt many methods to reduce weight. Which includes eating salad, exercising by going to the gym, drinking protein shake, doing yoga etc. But at the same time, one of the most common ways to lose weight is considered to be 'getting up in the morning ...
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