Why Breastfeed: Benefits for You and Your Baby mother breastfeeding infant Getting ready for the birth of your baby is an exciting and busy time. One of the most important decisions you will make is how to feed your baby. What matters most is having the information, options and support you need to choose what truly works for you and your family. Breastfeeding: a natural gift Breastfeeding provides a lot of perks for babies and nursing parents. That’s why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for a newborn’s first six months, and continued breastfeeding as long as parent and baby like after introducing solid foods. But every family’s situation is different. Not everyone can breastfeed or continue breastfeeding for as long they’d like for various reasons. You may choose to breastfeed for a shorter time or combine breastfeeding with baby formula. Others may nurse their little ones for two years or more. It's not an all-or-nothing choice Giving your ch...
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