Back And Neck Become Black In The Scorching Heat, Get Rid Of Tanning Problems Immediately With These Whitening Packs
In summer, most women prefer to wear deep neck or backless dresses. In such a situation, the chances of getting tanning in summer increases a lot. If you also like to wear deep neck or backless dress in summer, then for this you will need to protect your back and neck from tanning. To reduce the problem of tanning, you can use some effective whitening packs. This can reduce the problem of tanning to a great extent. Let us know how to reduce the problem of tanning of back and neck?
Homemade pack for back and neck
Rice and Beetroot Pack
necessary ingredients
Rice - 2 to 3 tbsp
White toothpaste - 1 tsp
Beet juice - 2 to 3 teaspoons
To prepare the pack, first take a bowl. Add 2 or three spoons of rice flour to it, after that add beetroot juice and white toothpaste and mix all three well. After this apply this paste on your back and neck and leave it for about 20 minutes. Clean it afterwards. This will remove the tanning of the back and neck.
Lemon and Rice Pack
A pack made of lemon and rice can also remove tanning from your back. Let's know the method of making this pack
necessary ingredients
Rice flour - 1 tsp
Curd - 2 tbsp
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Honey - 1 tsp
To remove the blackness of back and neck, first of all take 1 spoon of rice flour. Mix curd, lemon juice and honey in it. After this apply this mixture on the back and leave it for about 20 minutes. Afterwards clean your back with normal water. This will reduce the tanning of back and neck.
To reduce the tanning of back and neck, you can resort to these effective remedies. However, keep in mind that before stepping out in the sun on these days, cover your back and neck properly, so that tanning problems can be prevented.
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