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Disease-This Is How TB Spreads From Newborns To 5-Year-Olds.

Tuberculosis (TB) ie TB, which is also known as tuberculosis in Hindi language, is an infectious disease, due to which the patient can lose his life if not treated on time. Yes, TB is a life-threatening infectious disease, which can be cured through treatment. This disease makes its victims from children to elders. When it comes to children, the caution increases even more. Dr. Aastha Agarwal, Senior Consultant, Paediatrics, Max Dehradun, says that TB cases are still coming up as before, while we have advanced a lot. TB is still a challenge for India and a significant number of cases are being reported. How often can children get TB? Dr. Aastha Aggarwal says that children can get TB even in the mother's womb. Apart from this, the child is also likely to get TB during delivery . If anyone in the child's family has TB, then the child is likely to get this infectious disease. If a child in the family has TB, then TB can be more dangerous for the child at the age of 1 year. Children can get TB at any age but the symptoms vary. TB vaccine for children Dr. Aastha Aggarwal says that children are given TB vaccine only after birth, which is given in the left leg. Children must definitely get this vaccine. This vaccine of BCG is given to every child, which works to provide protection. This BCG vaccine works to protect against TB of the brain, the deadly TB that spreads throughout the body. That's why this vaccine must be given at birth. symptoms of tb in newborn Before identifying TB in children, we should know whether we have TB or not. If you have TB then you need to be very careful. If the mother has TB or a close relative has TB-like disease, then the chances of getting it in the children are very high. The visible symptoms of TB in children are: 1- Breathing very quickly 2-Not increasing the weight of the child 3- The child will not be able to drink milk These are the symptoms seen in the newborn, which need to be alerted when they appear. Immediate treatment is necessary in this condition , which works to make them completely cured. TB in children under one year old Symptoms of TB appear differently in children under one year of age. Actually, immunity in children does not develop properly. The younger the child is, the less immunity he has. Children at this age are very vulnerable to viruses. Symptoms seen at this age are: 1-Not gaining weight Night sweats Irritability in children 4- Very little appetite 5-Not interested in eating food 6- mild fever These are very common symptoms, which people tend to ignore. You need to pay attention to some things like- 1- Pay attention to their weight 2-Get regular checkups 3-If there is a family history, then definitely get it checked once. TB in children under 5 years of age Talk about TB in children below 5 years of age, then at this age children can have many types of TB like: 1-TB in the intestines of the stomach 2-TB of lymph nodes 3-TB of the skin There are many types of TB that children can get. If the child has TB then it is most important that what is its source. TB spread through cough in children is less, so it is very important to find out its source. If no one in your family has TB, then the meds that come in your house can also be a source of it. TB can happen to anyone, which is the result of your low immunity.


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