The Sun Of March Will Take Away They beauty Of Your Skin, Start These 2 Things From Now On, Then The Skin Will Remain Glowing
The winter season is now gone and the summer season is about to come. As soon as we see the sunshine in the month of March, we start remembering summer and gradually the weather will start getting hotter. During these days the sun starts to shine and hence the day temperature also becomes hot. This sunlight is enough to eliminate the natural glow of your skin. In these days, sunlight damages our skin the most. This is because most of the people do not take the sun seriously in the month of March and they think that this sun is not harmful for their skin. In such a situation, people keep coming in contact with sunlight without any protection and due to this they start having other problems. But let us tell you that before the month of March, you should start adopting ways to protect your skin from the sun. Otherwise, your skin would have been damaged by the sun even before the summers fully arrived. Let us know what things are important to keep in mind to maintain the natural glow of the skin.
10 to 3 sunlight harmful
If you are roaming in the month of March in the same way as you were roaming in the months of January and February, then let us tell you that now the sun has increased. You might not be able to feel it, but the sunlight from 10 am to 3 pm is intense and prolonged exposure to the skin is affecting the natural glow. Do not go out in the sun during this time if it is not necessary.
cover with clothes
If you have to go out of the house for some work, try not to expose any part of your body to direct sunlight. Wear full sleeve shirts or T-shirts etc. and use caps etc. If you want, you can also use an umbrella to avoid the sun.
good water for skin
In summer, we often make a habit of washing our face frequently to avoid the heat. But some water, especially the water released from borewells, remains a bit harsh for the skin. Hard water not only causes problems like dryness, but it also affects the general glow of the skin. That's why it is important that the right water is used according to your skin.
use of sunscreen and goggles
There are some parts of our body which remain uncovered and for this reason they come in contact with the sun more. In this case, these parts of the body can be covered with sunscreen. Apart from this, black goggles can be used for the eyes. Consult a skin expert to choose the right sunscreen according to your skin type.
proper diet is necessary
To keep the skin healthy during summer, it is also important to take care of some things. In summer, take such a diet that supplies water to your body. To keep the skin healthy, especially during the summer days, a lot of fruits and vegetables and their juices should be included in the diet.
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