Days after finding the body of a young Delhi woman inside a fridge at a restaurant, Delhi Police arrested her boyfriend's father for helping his son plan the murder. Nikki Yadav, 23, was allegedly strangled by her partner Sahil Gehlot with a charging cable. He then stuffed the body in a fridge at a restaurant owned by his family in the chilling re-run of last year's Aaftab Poonawalla and Shraddha Walkar case.
Police recovered the body of Nikki Yadav on Tuesday when many in the country were celebrating Valentine's Day.
Along with Sahil Gehlot's father, police have also arrested three other family members and friends who helped him plan the murder.
"Delhi Police have arrested 5 people. Sahil Gehlot's father has also been arrested on the charges of helping him in the conspiracy," Special CP Ravinder Yadav told news agency ANI.
In another major disclosure, sources in the Delhi Police said that Sahil and Nikki got married in October 2020 at a Noida temple.
Cops said that Sahil's family did not approve of the relationship and also fixed his marriage with another girl.
Nikki never knew that her live-in partner was engaged to another woman. She found out a day before his wedding, police sources said.
During the investigation, police found CCTV footage of Nikki Yadav entering her rented home in south-west Delhi. In the video, dated February 9, she is alone.
Cops say that she was killed hours later by her partner.
Not far from the house, the couple fought inside a car for around three hours over Sahil marrying another woman.As the fight escalated, Sahil strangled Nikki using a charging cable, the police said. He allegedly panicked and decided to hide the body in the freezer at his family's dhaba.
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