Exercise For So Many Hours A Week Strengthens 3 Essential Organs, The Risk Of Death Is Also Reduced By 30 Percent
Perhaps you also take time out of your busy schedule to do something for yourself, right? But do you know how much damage you are causing to your body by not taking time out for yourself? Probably not. Let us tell you that due to lack of exercise, some parts of your body are especially damaged, due to which your risk of falling ill increases to a great extent. That's why it is necessary to take out 150 minutes in a week, so that along with weakening your body, you can save the organs from getting damaged.
Benefits of exercising for 150 minutes
1- Liver swelling is less
By walking for only 150 minutes a week, you can reduce the risk of fatty liver and remove the fat on the liver . You can also reduce liver fat with the help of moderate to intense workouts. Along with this, you can also get help in weight loss.
2-Blood pressure is low
Even moderate physical activity for 150 minutes a week can help keep your blood pressure normal. Actually, by doing this, blood circulation in your body improves, due to which there is no extra pressure on your heart. That's why you must definitely do this work.
3-stress is less
Moderate exercise for 150 minutes a week or 20 to 30 minutes a day helps reduce the effects of stress and depression. You can do outdoor sports or other things like mowing the grass that will help reduce your stress.
Risk increases by 20 to 30 percent
WHO has recently released a report saying that physically active is being adversely affected. Explain that one out of every 4 people is not physically active. Because of this, up to 32 percent of deaths due to heart diseases are happening worldwide.
How to do 150 minutes exercise in a week
If you want, you can prepare your own schedule of exercise for 30 minutes every day, with the help of which you will be able to take your routine further. By doing this you will be completely free for 2 days. You can also do walking, cycling or swimming. If you are not able to do 30 minutes, then you can take out time for your exercise for 20 minutes daily.
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