Shah Rukh Khan's new movie 'Pathaan' has broken several records and made history at the box office. On its second day itself, the film recorded a total earnings of ₹ 68 crore. To celebrate the success of the movie and to thank his fans, 'King Khan' took to Twitter to conduct his popular 'Ask Me Anything' session. Many supporters congratulated the actor on returning to the big screen after four years. However, one fan's question stood out from the rest. He asked Mr Khan what his youngest son, AbRam, thought of the movie. To this, Shah Rukh Khan replied that his son talked about Karma.
The user asked, "@iamsrk Abrams response after watching pathaan ? #AskSRK." The actor said, " I don't know how but he said papa it's all Karma. So I believe it."
Many users also shared pictures and videos of packed theatres with people dancing and having fun while the title song of the film played in the background. Seeing this, 'King Khan' thanked everyone for the love. He also stated that people should "enjoy safely." "Nacho, gaao Bansi kya pata Kal ho na ho...lekin sab Kari thoda pyaar se. Look after each other when u are celebrating Pathaan please," Mr Khan added.
Another user asked the actor how happy he is after the success of his new release. "How happy are you in last 3 days," the user asked. Shah Rukh Khan said that he feels "as happy as a father is when he sees his child being appreciated."
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