Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan is having a "record-smashing run" at the box office. On the third day of the release, the movie has become the fastest Hindi film to breach the ₹ 300 crore mark in just three days, as per trade analyst Taran Adarsh. The worldwide earnings of Pathaan for three days is ₹ 313 crore. In India, the film earned ₹ 38 crore in the Hindi version on the third day. This sums the amount to ₹ 161 crore. The Tamil and Telugu dubs have added another ₹ 5.75 crore over three days.
Reporting Pathaan's worldwide collection, Taran Adarsh wrote, "'PATHAAN': ₹ 313 CR WORLDWIDE *GROSS* IN 3 DAYS... #Pathaan is the FASTEST #Hindi film to breach ₹ 300 cr mark [GROSS] in *3 days*... WORLDWIDE [#India + #Overseas] *Gross* BOC... *3 days*... #India: ₹ 201 cr #Overseas: ₹ 112 cr Worldwide Total *GROSS*: ₹ 313 cr."Taran Adarsh shared Pathaan's box office collection report on his Twitter handle and wrote, "#Pathaan is having a RECORD-SMASHING run... Day 3 [working day after big holiday] is EXCEPTIONAL... Will FLY on Day 4-5 [Sat-Sun]... Will cross ₹ 200 cr on Day 4 [Sat], ₹ 250 cr on Day 5 [Sun]... Wed 55 cr, Thu 68 cr, Fri 38 cr. Total: ₹ 161 cr. #Hindi version. #India biz." It was followed by another tweet that read, "#Pathaan #Tamil + #Telugu: Wed 2 cr, Thu 2.50 cr, Fri 1.25 cr. Total: ₹ 5.75 cr."
Helmed by Siddharth Anand, Pathaan also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in the lead.
Earlier reacting on the success ofPathaan at the box office, the director Siddharth Anand in his statement said, "Scripting history. Everyone wants it, but one can't plan it. It just happens. And when it does, it's actually a very humbling experience. I'm feeling incredibly overwhelmed right now and inspired to get back on the film set and try and create something really special for audiences again. That's my state of mind," as per a report in ANI.
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