what is narco test
Narco test involves the injection of a drug, sodium pentothal, which induces a hypnotic or sedated state in which the subject’s imagination is neutralised, and they are expected to divulge true information.The drug, referred to as “truth serum” in this context, was used in larger doses as anaesthesia during surgery, and is said to have been used during World War II for intelligence operations.Special types of chemicals and other elements are used in the narco test, which includes sodium pentothal. Sodium pentothal is also known as truth serum, which is given to the person with the help of injection. This reduces the self-consciousness of the person, which means that he remains less conscious. In such a situation, he answers the question asked to the person as much as he remembers. Due to not being fully conscious and not in the ability to hide or change any information.
how does it work on the body
The narco test acts like a type of anesthesia. According to a report in Business Insider, pentothal used in narco tests slows down the speed of information going to the brain. In such a situation, the person's ability to think slows down and his chances of speaking the truth increase.
How accurate is the narco test
Narco test is considered to be quite accurate in some cases, but still it cannot be said to be 100 percent accurate. At the same time, it is able to have very little effect on the body of some people and in such a situation its accuracy is greatly reduced. Many cases have been seen, in which it has been found that even after narco test, a person can give false statements. That's why it is still considered an unscientific method of investigation.
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