A major accident took place in Firozabad Fire on Tuesday late night. Here in the main market of Jasrana, a massive fire broke out in a house built above a shop. Six people including four children have died in this arson. The fire was so severe that apart from Firozabad, 18 fire tenders from Agra, Etah and Mainpuri and police from 12 police stations reached the spot to control it.
According to the police, four children are among the dead. Three people have also been seriously injured in the accident. The accident happened on the evening of Tuesday, 29 November. As soon as the information about the fire was received, a large number of police and fire brigade vehicles reached the spot. Firozabad SP Ashish Tiwari said that six people of the same family died in a fierce fire in Padham town of Jasrana in Firozabad district . Four children were also involved in this arson. To control the fire, police from 12 police stations including 18 fire tenders reached the spot. According to SP Ashish Tiwari, the fire broke out due to short circuit in the inverter.
The common drink that has been going on for years to reduce weight is drinking 'hot water mixed with lemon-honey'. Does drinking lemonade and honey really help you lose weight? What are its benefits? Does this method really work? . Lemon juice contains various antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that boost brain and heart health.Lemon juice is an excellent source of Vitamin C. Studies have shown that Vitamin C is a vital nutrient in preventing many modern diseases. Vitamin C is essential in bone formation, connective tissue repair, and gum health. To make the drink as healthy as possible, use filtered water and organic lemons. Infuse more flavor or add a health boost to lemon water by adding: a few springs of mint. People adopt many methods to reduce weight. Which includes eating salad, exercising by going to the gym, drinking protein shake, doing yoga etc. But at the same time, one of the most common ways to lose weight is considered to be 'getting up in the morning ...
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