The reality television show Bigg Boss 16 is currently in its 9th week. In a recently shared promo, Golden Boys Sunny Nanasaheb Waghchoure and Sanjay Gujar were seen entering the show. The two were seen wearing huge gold chains as the housemates welcomed them into the house. Reacting to the same a segment of netizens were seen claiming that the two will be seen as the new “wildcard” entries in the show.
Sunny Waghchoure and Sanjay Gujar of Golden Boys enter as wildcards
Bigg Boss 16 contestants have been ruling the Twitter trends, it is time for some new faces to join the controversial reality show as wildcards. Golden Boys Sunny Nanasaheb Waghchoure and Sanjay Gujar will be entering the Salman Khan-hosted show in the coming episodes. Colors TV's official Instagram handles shared a video that shows the duo entering the house and how the other contestants reacted to their arrival. While most of the contestants can be seen smiling with the wildcards, others look amused at the amount of gold these Golden Boys came wearing.
The Bigg Boss 16 also claimed that Golden Boys Sunny Nanasaheb Waghchoure and Sanjay Gujar will bring the chance to win back the Rs 25 lakh that was taken away from the prize money
Sunny Nanasaheb Waghchoure and Sanjay Gujar are popular as the Golden Boys of Pune because of their love for gold ornaments. They are frequently seen donning a lot of gold jewelry including necklaces, bracelets, rings and others. While Sunny has a following of 1.6 million, Sanjay has a following of an impressive 1 million on Instagram.
As soon as they enter the show, Tina Datta can be seen asking them if get don't get tired of wearing so much of gold. It is believed that Sunny and Sanjay will give tough competition to MC Stan in the reality show.
the last couple of episodes witnessed a war of words between Tina Datta and Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia after the latter started her second run as the captain. Tina broke down on her birthday and said that no one is her friend. She said: "No one is a friend over here. All are fake. Since morning I have been crying but no one came to ask me what happened. Only MC Stan, whom I consider my close friend, asked me and wished me on my birthday."
Furthermore, a nomination task took place in which there were two teams. The task involves a spinning wheel that decides which team member gets to nominate a member of the opposite team. The selected member nominates a member of the opposite team by aiming a dart at his or her picture on the dartboard. The nominated member is blown by a grenade. All this leads to a huge fight between the contestants. Shalin mentioned Sumbul's name for nomination and Archana nominated Shiv.
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