Be careful while getting a massage in the parlor! Stroke can happen if a vein is suppressed by mistake
No one likes getting a massage or getting a hair wash done in the parlor. But after knowing the recent incident, you will think a hundred times before getting hair massage or hair wash in the parlor. Yes, the matter is from Hyderabad where a 50 year old woman fell seriously ill after returning from the parlor. The woman started having dizziness, nausea, vomiting and problems in walking the next day (beauty parlor stroke syndrome symptoms). After which she went to the doctor and the doctor told her that she has got beauty parlor stroke syndrome. The doctor, who treated this woman himself, told people through tweet about what happened and why this happened to this woman. But before that know what is Beauty Parlor Stroke Syndrome?
What is Beauty Parlor Stroke Syndrome
Beauty Parlor Stroke Syndrome is a very rare disease that can occur due to abnormal rotation of the neck or excessive stretching. In this condition, there is a lack of vertebrobasilar or, say, a mechanical disturbance in an artery, which leads to a stroke .
How did this woman become a victim of beauty parlor stroke syndrome?
Dr Sudhir Kumar, the neurologist who treated this woman, says that when the woman explained her condition to me in detail, only then I understood that maybe a nerve is pinched or due to some disturbance in the brain, I can experience these things. have been Then we did an MRI and found that the brain had detected a mechanical disturbance in the artery on the right side that caused the stroke. There can be two reasons for this.
The first hyperextension means that while washing the hair with shampoo, turning the neck towards the wash basin in such a way that there is more stretch.
Due to the suppression of the artery during the second massage.
People should keep these things in mind for rescue
Dr. Sudhir told that women are better after women but there should be awareness among people about this thing. Therefore, in parlors and salons, keep in mind that do not turn the head forcefully. If you feel dizzy while washing hair with neck hyperextension, lie down immediately. Also take the person to the doctor immediately without any delay so that the person can be treated in time.
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