WHO released the list of fungal infections, these 13 types of infections are becoming a threat to the whole world
There are many types of fungal infections and some of them prove to be serious and some minor. However, the surprising thing is that the fungus or fungus that causes most fungal infections is not visible to people with the eyes. These fungi float in the air or sit on any surface and when a person comes in contact with them, they catch them. At the same time, in some cases fungal infection can prove to be fatal or even fatal.
The World Health Organization has released a list of Fungus or Fungi in the midst of the increasing threat of fungal infections worldwide, which also gives information about such fungal infections that require immediate treatment. These are all microscopic fungi and some of them can be fatal to humans.
Some infections can kill the patient
Dr. Justin Beardsley, who is the lead author of a study by WHO (WHO Fungal Priority Pathogens List's study group), said that Fungi is a serious infectious disease that most people have forgotten about. . People are not aware of its seriousness. Based on the study's findings, the researchers grouped 19 different pathogens and fungi into three groups.
WHO released the list of fungal infections (Fungal Infection List by World Health Organization)
List 1 – Fungi with serious impact
pathogens such as candida auris
Aspergillus fumigates and Candida albicans
List II – Medium Impact Fungi
Candida family of fungi
Mucorales causing Mucormycosis or Black Fungus Infection.
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