One of the greatest perks of the festive season have been the fashion statements coming out of Bollywood. Whether it has been at Sonam Kapoor's Diwali bash or Sohail Khan's party, glorious fashion trends and beautiful ethnic style inspiration have taken over our lives. Nushrratt Bharuccha has been one of the major style players during this Diwali. The Bollywood actress wore a sparkling silver creation by designer Disha Patil. The glittering lehenga featured glistening sequin work over it and came with a sheer grey dupatta which had an embroidered border. The contemporary touch came from the thin strap blouse she was wearing. With a plunging neckline, it was covered with silver glitter and added a modern element to her Diwali look. Nushrratt's makeup featured an even-toned complexion with neutral makeup and dark brows. Her hair was pulled back and she added in dangling earrings with her ensemble. Another ethnic look from Nushrratt saw her looking absolutely delightful in a stunning ethnic set. With a beaded mirror work blouse having fringe details hanging from the end, she wore it with a broad belt and a printed green skirt. Matching it perfectly was a breezy cape in the same pattern with similar designs over the borders. The only accessory was the necklace she added in.
The actress also lit up our lives in a gorgeous pink saree. Featuring a narrow border and a low-necked billowy blouse in the same shade, she completed it with a chunky stone necklace.
The common drink that has been going on for years to reduce weight is drinking 'hot water mixed with lemon-honey'. Does drinking lemonade and honey really help you lose weight? What are its benefits? Does this method really work? . Lemon juice contains various antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that boost brain and heart health.Lemon juice is an excellent source of Vitamin C. Studies have shown that Vitamin C is a vital nutrient in preventing many modern diseases. Vitamin C is essential in bone formation, connective tissue repair, and gum health. To make the drink as healthy as possible, use filtered water and organic lemons. Infuse more flavor or add a health boost to lemon water by adding: a few springs of mint. People adopt many methods to reduce weight. Which includes eating salad, exercising by going to the gym, drinking protein shake, doing yoga etc. But at the same time, one of the most common ways to lose weight is considered to be 'getting up in the morning ...
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