Health News-Constant stuffy nose can be real inconvenience, know how to can get rid of it through home remedies and medicines.
If dealing with the discomfort and inconvenience of a stuffy nose isn't bad enough, there can be the stress and concern that goes with it. Even two-and-a-half years into the pandemic, the onset of a stuffy nose still can lead you to stress out and ask yourself "Is it a cold is it allergies or is it COVID? The good news is that a stuffy nose usually isn't cause for panic. There are a number of reasons that people get a stuffy nose, says experts.
Congestion in the resulting due to excessive mucus is a very common problem. It can be triggered by many conditions and environmental factors. This condition can improve over time but in case it does not, there are some home remedies and medications that people can try. Nasal congestion takes place when the nose becomes inflamed and stuff up. Certain illnesses like common cold, influenza or conditions like allergies and sinus infections can cause nasal stuffiness. Illness-related congestion usually improves within 1-2 weeks. If it lasts longer than 10-14 days, it's often a symptom of an underlying health issue.
Get Rid Of Stuffy Nose By Following These Steps
Some cases of stuffy and blocked nose problem can be treated with home remedies like:
Use a neti pot. This is a device used for nasal irrigation. It uses a saline solution to help flush the mucus out of the nose cavity.
Humidifiers are use to add moisture in the air surrounding the person. Moisture will help break up the mucus in the nose and soothe the nasal
passage which becomes blocked due to inflammations. Note that asthma patients should always consult a doctor before using a humidifier.
Taking steam at home is also highly recommended by experts. It has the same impact as a humidifier.
People experiencing discomfort due to nose blockage can also use medicated ointments which contain peppermint, eucalyptus or camphor. Apply them to your upper chest. This will act as a natural decongestant and provide a cooling and soothing sensation. This sensation will clear the nasal passage as well.
If your nose is stuffy even after trying these home remedies, you might need to consult a doctor.
A person struggling with stuffy nose can try taking over-the-counter antihistamines. This medicine will reduce the reactions like sneezing and sniffling caused by allergies. They will also reduce the production of mucus.
Nasal sprays that contain steroids like Nasacort and Flonase can also reduce nasal passage inflammation which are triggered by allergies.
Nasal saline sprays and irrigation washes, which can work to soften mucus and wash it out of the nasal cavity alongside any irritating infections or allergic particles.
Steam inhaler may help thin out mucus and promote easier drainage.
Using a steam inhaler to thin out mucus and promote easier drainage.
Be aware that over-the-counter medicated nose drops (not sprays that only contain saline) can sometimes create rebound congestion, meaning they work for a while, but your stuffiness never completely goes away.
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