From West Bengal, Sikkim to Bihar, cases of 'acid fly' infected are being reported increasing in many states of the country. After the recent infection in more than a hundred students in an engineering college in Sikkim, now Bihar is also seeing cases of its affected. In view of the increasing danger, people are being appealed to keep taking preventive measures.
The District Magistrate of Darjeeling appealed to the people to take preventive measures and said that everyone should wear full-sleeved clothes, avoid going out in the evening and use mosquito nets. In case of infection, people have been advised to go for treatment immediately.
The fly that causes this problem has been reported mainly in parts of East Africa, it is known as the 'Nairobi fly'. According to health experts, it releases a toxic and acidic substance called Pederin on the human body, which can cause serious skin infections. Pederin can also cause severe skin irritation like a fire. So far, its cases have been seen more in South Sudan. Let us understand the Nairobi transition in detail.
Infection caused by
Nairobi flies Nairobi infection is a problem caused by Nairobi flies. These flies are small in size, orange and black in color. These flies are attracted to bright light and moist areas. According to the Department of Health, Nairobi flies neither bite nor sting. By sitting on human skin, the acidic substance present in them comes on the skin, due to which there can be a situation of irritation and infection.
Know about its symptoms
According to health experts, Nairobi flies have symbiotic bacteria that produce an acidic substance called pederin. The fluid released by these insects can cause unusual burning, swelling or sores on the skin. Yellowish fluid-filled blisters also develop on the skin within 24 to 48 hours after flies come into contact with the skin. It is necessary to detect and treat the infection in time. In some cases, it can even cause serious health problems.
Eyesight can be lost. Medical reports suggest that if the human immune system is weak and toxic pederrin
is more effective, then in this condition problems like fever, nerve problems, joint pain and vomiting with skin infection. Could be too. If the toxins come in contact with a person's eyes, it can cause serious eye infections and in more severe cases, blindness. This is the reason why all people are advised to take special precautions regarding this danger.
How to prevent Nairobi infection?
Health experts say, taking into account the risk and severity of Nairobi infection, it is important for all people to know about ways to prevent it. These flies are found more in bright light and moist areas, since monsoon is active in most parts of the country at this time, keep medium light and wear full sleeve clothing to reduce their contact with the skin. Avoid touching the eyes unnecessarily. Its symptoms start appearing shortly after coming in contact with flies, keeping this in mind, consult a doctor immediately. If there is itching, rash or rash on the skin, see a doctor immediately. Do not panic, the severity of the condition can be reduced by getting timely treatment.
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