Excessive consumption of painkillers can increase problems, these 'home painkillers' are effective to get rid of pain.
Generally, taking painkillers in case of pain in the body gives you relief in no time. We do not even pay attention to the medical prescription to take painkillers in case of pain. Health experts say that medicines taken without a doctor's advice can give you relief in a few moments, but due to this there is a risk of many short-term and long-term side-effects. In such a situation, the question arises that how can the pain be cured without painkiller?
Health experts say, it is not necessary to take painkillers every time. There are natural pain relievers in every home which have the ability to cure many types of mild to severe pain in the same way as painkillers. Usually we are unaware of the effects of these medicines present in the homes, but by using them, the benefits can be easily obtained.
Several medicines have been found to be particularly effective in reducing pain in the ears, teeth, muscles, headaches and injuries. Let us know about some such medicinal pain relievers present in our homes.
Consuming turmeric is considered particularly beneficial in curing the pain of muscles and injuries, usually caused by a fall or injury due to other reasons. Consuming turmeric mixed with warm milk prevents clotting of blood and is helpful in relieving muscle pain. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in reducing inflammation caused by injuries. Apart from this, the antiseptic and antibiotic properties of turmeric help in healing wounds.
To get relief from severe toothache
In a few moments, sucking a clove bud or applying clove oil in cotton on the painful tooth can provide relief in a few moments. If you are suffering from a mouth infection, chewing cloves or keeping it in the mouth can help relieve the symptoms. The active compound eugenol found in clove oil is also helpful in naturally thinning the blood and preventing heart problems by preventing blood clotting.
Ginger and Basil for Headache
Tea made from ginger and basil is helpful in reducing problems caused by headache and flu. Apart from this, studies have also found that ginger can also be a great remedy for joint and muscle pain. The phytochemicals present in ginger control the production and release of pain-causing hormones. It is also an effective remedy for nausea and morning sickness. Ginger tea is considered very beneficial in the pain caused due to fatigue.
Consuming curd can give you a lot of benefits in the pain caused due to stomach ache
Indigestion, gas or bloating in the stomach. The probiotics present in yogurt are known to be beneficial for the gut which may benefit by reducing the factors that cause colic. Yogurt also has health benefits in keeping the process of digestion right. Consuming celery can also be beneficial to reduce the problem of stomach pain.
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